Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Six Cities

Welcome, and please join in...

In October 2009, some members of the Social Innovation Exchange (SIX) community sat around a virtual table at Cisco TelePresence offices around the world to explore the idea of social innovation in cities.

The Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto hosted a TelePresence session that explored how and to what extent cities can enhance and develop social innovation. Two main questions were asked:

1) How do cities foster social innovation through physical space/community events, etc.?

2) How do cities hinder social innovation through physical space/community events, etc.?

These questions assisted in a dynamic discussion on architecture, city planning, zoning, community events, movement of people and cars, and other ideas. The Centre for Social Innovation in Toronto hosted a TelePresence session that explored how and to what extent cities can enhance and develop social innovation.

Cities have become places that foster as well as hinder social innovation. To facilitate the discussion on cities and how to explore this topic further, the Social Innovation Exchange invites everyone in the SIX network to join the conversation and answer the two questions above.

They will be exploring the issue of social innovation in cities further, and potentially many ideas and themes can result out of this conversation. At the moment, don't know what the end result will be, but one thing is for certain: the next SIX summer school will definitely touch upon the themes and ideas that arise out of this interactive and incorporative discussion on this website. Please input your comments as well as photos to this discussion!

Please visit the SIX cities website. You will be able to acquaint yourself with the presentation that was given on creative and socially innovative cities, the discussion that was had by people in Toronto, London, Copenhagen, Singapore and New York, as well as directly feed your ideas and thoughts into the idea thread.

During the day, and sometimes in my sleep, I head up FRANK Ideas and Execution Inc., a no nonsense design and creative intelligence shop.

FRANK is a boutique creative agency that specializes in clean, modern design for print and web based marketing applications. We do a lot of interesting work for a variety of clients, and we are really interested in developing ideas and technologies around Social Innovation—helping organizations commercialize with a social purpose.

We do excellent work for a variety of corporate clients large and small. From high growth greentech startups to professional service firms (finance and legal), media companies, health care and government to academic institutions, retail and not for profit organizations.

More info about FRANK can be found on our website.